New Hampshire, new news

The last week has been a whirwind. A good whirlwind, though. Chris and I both had last week off, so we spent a couple of days painting the playroom (top half blue, bottom half green, with the intention of painting a jungle scene on one wall at some point in the future). The room came out great, but I forgot to take a picture of it, and now there is a child napping in there who I refuse to disturb. You'll just have to wait for pictures. :)
Early in the week, we got the news that the person who had taken over Chris's job at Klingberg when he left last October was not returning this fall. Chris's old boss contacted him, and asked him to apply, which is what we've been hoping for all along. The principle of the school unofficially welcomed him back last Tuesday, which was a great note to start off our vacation to New Hampshire on. We left Wednesday, spent the day traveling with frequent stops (our children hate the car), and made it up to Jon and Jama Colegrove's house late afternoon. We then spent the next few days relaxing. We spent a little time at the beach:
(Sam likes to eat sand)
Then we spent some time at a lake:

It was such a blessing to have Jon and Jama host us for a few days. We enjoyed their company, their hospitality, their fire, their home. It was refreshing and we didn't want to come home. But home we came, yesterday afternoon, which included running into guy who was my youth leader in highschool (um... like 10 years ago? Imagine his surprise seeing me with a husband and 2 kids. haha)
And now our week has started with a confirmation of Chris's new job. He'll start 2 weeks from today, and we are so very excited about this change. Thank you God for such a wonderful week, such wonderful news, good friends, good family time. There are more pictures, but too many to post here. I'll let you know when I post them somewhere you can see all of them.


Dawn Aldrich said…
This news was great to hear via blog and face book! So happy for the two of you! Now you can rest this winter knowing he's not traveling all over the place!

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